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Essential Oil – Organic Dittany of Crete

0.17 fl oz | 5 ml


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SKU: 3403 Category:

Dittany has antibacterial, antifungal and antimicrobial properties due to the phenol carvacrol. It can be used as an antirheumatic, oxytocic, stomachic and vulnerary.

Dittany plant is used for digestive tract disorders including cramps, stomach problems and worms in the intestines. It is also used for urinary tract and genital tract disorders. It also acts as an antidiabetic, emmenagogue and as aphrodisiac.

Moreover, it is often used in cosmetics industry, to nourish and hydrate dehydrated skin. The rejuvenating anti-aging facial treatments and anti-cellulite body creams are proving to be the newest, most groundbreaking and most sought after beauty products today.

Other applications include treatment of epilepsy, spasms, fluid retention and liver diseases.

Last but not least, treats acne and oiliness with gentle massage in the face.

Cert. ICEA: IT 055 BC No 040

Weight 0,036 kg


CERT ICEA/ IT 055 BC No 040


100% Pure organic essential oil of “Dictamnus” of Crete (or else known Dittany)

Directions of Use

Add a few drops of this great essential oil in water to make an air freshening & rejuvenating spray.

Dilute with carrier oil for direct skin contact such as massage liniment or body lotion.

  • For blocked sinuses, add 2-3 drops into boiling water and create a tent to breathe in the vapors
  • For clean air, add 2-3 drops dittany and four drops orange into a diffuser
  • For body oil, add 7 drops of dittany and 3 teaspoons of carrier oil and spread on skin
  • For perfume, add 2-3 drops dittany with three drops of essential oil in place on both points


For external use only this is considered toxic if taken internally.  Avoid contact with eyes. Avoid if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy. May cause skin irritation in some individuals, so a skin test is recommended prior to use. If irritation, redness or discomfort occurs, discontinue use and consult a licensed health care practitioner. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. Dilute properly before use.

Keep out of reach of children. Do not use with infants or children under ten years of age.